
2025 January Term Courses

ART 350 Public Art
BIO 202
Human Nutrition (4 credits)
BIO 393 SEM (2 credits)
BIO 393 SEM (2 credits)
CLAS 360 Classical Virginia (4 credits)
CYB 101 Cybersecurity Basics (4 credits)
·¡¶Ù±«°äÌý225 Characteristics of the Learner (4 credits)
·¡¶Ù±«°äÌý480 Field Experience in Education (4 credits)
ENG 105 The Art of Writing (4 credits)
ENG 250 Topics in Literature: Popular Literature
GER 205 The Short Prose of Franz Kafka (4 credits)
GER 305 The Short Prose of Franz Kafka (4 credits)
HUM 201 Travel in the Humanities: Disney World (4 credits)
HUM 261 Fight Club: Debate and Civil Discourse (4 credits)
HUM 261 Rebels With a Cause (4 credits)
INST 114 Read, Research, Respond (4 credits)
MATH 150 Topics in Modern Math (4 credits)
MATH 210 Introductory Statistics (4 credits)
²Ñ´¡°Õ±áÌý104 College Algebra (4 credits)
MBE 100 Introduction to Economics (4 credits)
MBE 246 Personal Financial Planning (4 credits)
MBE 389 Field Experience in Management (4 credits)
MC 220 Experimental Film and Video (4 credits)
MC 222 Public Speaking (4 credits)
MC 325 Organizational Communication (4 credits)
MC 333 The Films of Steven Spielberg (4 credits)
PHIL 360 Minds, Brains, Machines (4 credits)
PHYS 141 Introduction to Astronomy (4 credits)
POLS 202 Politics and Film (4 credits)
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology II (4 credits)
PSY 394 Psychology in Film, Memoir, & Science (4 credits)
RELST 250 Religion & Popular Culture (4 credits)
SOC 251 Cultural Politics of Peace in America (4 credits)
SPAN 112 Beginning Spanish (4 credits)
SPAN 310 Spanish speaking Localities and Culture (4 credits)
SRM 348 Maui Sea to Sky  (4 credits)
SW 318 Aging in the Media (4 credits)
TH 270 Seminar in Theatre (4 credits)
TH 370 HNRS: Seminar in Theatre (4 credits)
TH 370 Seminar in Theatre (4 credits)
WES 200 Religion & Popular Culture (4 credits)
WES 300 Developments in Science and Technology (4 credits)
·¡±·³ÒÌý250 Popular Literature and Film (4 credits)