
Cybersecurity Courses

101 Cybersecurity Basics (4)
An entry-level exploration into the world of cybersecurity, introducing students to critical threats (e.g., malware, phishing), fundamental principles (e.g., authentication, authorization), and foundational technologies (e.g., antivirus, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems), making it ideal for beginners seeking a smooth start into the cybersecurity field. Prerequisite: Math placement level B or higher or MATH 104 with a grade B or higher. Offered every fall.

230 Unix Operating System (4)
An introduction to Unix operating system covering the Unix file system, Unix shell, and basic utilities used for file management, process monitoring, and text processing. Through practical exercises, students will master file navigation and management, use VI editor, and effectively perform tasks within a Unix environment. Prerequisite: Math placement level B or higher or MATH 104 with a grade B or higher. Offered every spring.

301 Cybersecurity Essentials and Tools (4)
The course examines the concepts, principles, and applications of cybersecurity in the IT infrastructure and explores the knowledge and skills needed to ensure security of information and information systems within organizations. Prerequisite: CYB 101 with a grade of C- or higher and consent. Offered spring of even-numbered years.

320 Cyber Networks and Communication (4)
Networks and Cybersecurity is an introductory course that provides students with the foundational knowledge in networking necessary for cybersecurity. The curriculum encompasses a study of network infrastructures, OSI Model layers, Internet Protocol suites, and network security protocols. Aimed at equipping students with the knowledge and competencies essential for further studies and advancement in networks and cybersecurity. Prerequisite: CYB 101 with a grade of C- or consent.
Offered fall of odd-numbered years.

389 Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity (4)
Explores an area of cybersecurity which is not otherwise included in the curriculum. Students may repeat the course for credit as the topic varies. Prerequisite: CYB 101 with a grade of C- or higher and CYB 230 with a grade of C- or higher. May be repeated up to two times for credit as topics change. Offered spring of even-numbered years.

423 Operating Systems Security and Administration (4)
This course provides and in-depth examination of operating system security. Students will learn about vulnerabilities, file permissions, kernel security, and various security tools. The course combines theoretical concepts with practical exercises for securing local and remote systems. Prerequisite: CYB 101 with a grade of C- or higher and CYB 230 with a grade of C- or higher or consent. CYB 301 is recommended. Offered fall of odd-numbered years.

445 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing (4)
This course delves into ethical hacking and penetration testing, with a focus on vulnerability scanning, system, and web security. Through hands-on activities, students learn to assess system security while following ethical and legal guidelines. The curriculum prepares students for cybersecurity roles by blending theory and practice. Prerequisite: CYB 101 with a grade of C- or higher and CYB 230 with a grade of C- or higher or consent. CYB 320 (Cyber Networks and Communication) is recommended. Offered spring of even-numbered years.

470 Internship in Cybersecurity (4)
An intensive experience in the cybersecurity field conducted in a professional setting where students engage in real-world tasks, challenges, and projects related to cybersecurity. Prerequisites: junior/senior status, cumulative CPA of at least 2.5, and consent. Offered intermittently.

489 Research in Cybersecurity (4)
Students conduct original research in cybersecurity, working closely with faculty to develop projects. They present findings orally at the research symposium and in a research paper, with encouragement to present at a conference. Prerequisite: Junior/senior status and consent. Offered intermittently.